Thursday, January 22, 2009

The graffiti warehouse

My sister showed me to an abandoned warehouse north of town she had modeled bridal pictures at. It is painted up with graffiti and growing natural wildlife. It eventually got dark, so we tried to get out of there ASAP. We are pretty sure we were trespassed to take them..but better to say sorry than ask for permission. My favorite is the first one on the left.


  1. these are beautiful! i didn't know you took photos! I especially love that first one. Where is this at? Is this back home?

  2. I had always wanted to try photography, but I was always writing or shooting video. But I bought myself an SLR and just started shooting. These were shot back home in McAllen, Tex.

  3. hey julian, when i check our blog stats, we keep getting referrals from your site. i wasn't sure who ran the blog, so i am happily suprised to see it's you :) sarah was great and we had tons of fun shooting her. i am sorry we didn't get to talk before you left up to victoria...great pics!

  4. thanks Sis. Garmendia. Photography is more fun than I thought it would be. I'm not sure how far my fascination with photography will go, but I'm really getting into it.

    Thanks for the compliments. We should talk more when I come down to the Valley to visit!
